WIFI yang stabil untuk meningkatkan produktifitas, usaha dan kegiatan sehari-hari di kantor, rumah, kost, apartemen, hotel, dll

Kami tawarkan jasa wifi bergaransi, bebas ganguan sering putus nyambung

Special Offer

Deal Expires: 31 December, 2020


5 Alasan Kenapa harus menggunakan jasa di ITJARINGAN


Ada begitu banyak jasa setting wifi di luar, tapi hanya sedikit yang benar-benar mengerti atau spesialis di bidangnya, kebanyakan menawarkan solusi seperti tambah banyak perangkat access point atau signal di set sekenceng-kenceng nya, padahal kebanyakan masalah wifi yang kami temukan bukan seperti diatas, begitu juga pemilihan merk dan jenis Access Point yang sangat banyak di pasaran, pemilihan perangkat WIFI semestinya berdasarkan pada kebutuhan dan budget yang tersedia, bukan melihat harga termurah akan tetapi pada support dan jasa yang di berikan oleh penyedia jasa solusi WIFI. Berikut ini 5 alasan mengapa harus menggunakan jasa di sini :

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    Jasa Bergaransi bebas masalah

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    Konsultasi dengan Tim Berpengalaman lebih dari 10 tahun di dunia WIFI

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    Dukungan Technical Support Bersertifikasi International

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    Jaminan Harga Kompetitif

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    Bisa melakukan survey on site dengan Tools Professional

Jasa WIFI yang paling sering di cari :

  • Setting WIFI

    Included Setting Access Point Ubiquiti, Ruckus, Aruba, Tenda, TPLINK, Linksys, ASUS, Troubleshooting, WIFI Tuning, WIFI Optimization 

    Mulai Rp 500rb

  • Setting Mikrotik

    Included Setting Mikrotik, DHCP Server, IP Client, Routing, Hotspot Management

    Mulai Rp 1.8jt

  • Bandwidth Management

    Included Bandwidth Management, Limit, Marking, Priority Game, ZOOM, Google Meet, Youtube, Download, Firewall, Security, Blocking Website

    Mulai Rp 3jt

Setting WIFI

Setting Mikrotik

Bandwidth Management

  • Included Setting Access Point Ubiquiti, Ruckus, Aruba, Tenda, TPLINK, Linksys, ASUS, Troubleshooting, WIFI Tuning, WIFI Optimization 

    Included Setting Mikrotik, DHCP Server, IP Client, Routing, Hotspot Management

    Included Bandwidth Management, Limit, Marking, Priority Game, ZOOM, Google Meet, Youtube, Download, Firewall, Security, Blocking Website

Limited time special offer !!!

Picture about the company


ITJARINGAN was established with a simple philosophy in mind: people matter, things do not. In short, technology is just another tool to increase your workers' productivity and to support your business objectives, and it is our job to provide you and your employees with professional and high quality IT services and solutions.
We have a highly trained management team and a crew of certified and trained engineer. ITJARINGAN provides professional IT related services and solutions for projects of any complexity for businesses or organizations of any size. Our expert technicians and engineers have years of combined experience in the technology industry under their belts. We promote and support the environment where education and training work together. We are available to help you deal with any technology related issue that you may face around the clock.

Need support? Contact us!